Yes, we are using Orion with Ingres and Caribou Lake.

This is in our data-sources.xml:

   <data-source name="dev" max-connections="2"
class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource" location="jdbc/dev"
pooled-location="jdbc/devPooled" xa-location="jdbc/xa/dev"
ejb-location="jdbc/dev" url="jdbc:caribou:jsqlingres://dev:6024/dev"
connection-driver="COM.cariboulake.sql.JSQLDriver" username="user"
password="password" schema="database-schemas/ingres.xml"/>

I just copied postgresql.xml to ingres.xml for the database-schema.

I put cariboulake_jdk11.jar in orion/lib.

It seems to work fairly well.  The only problem that we have is that we
sometimes run out of our five connections
in the development version of the JDBC driver.

Hope this helps.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: van Geel, Leo [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: August 25, 2000 6:25 AM
> To:   Orion-Interest
> Subject:      Caribou Lake JDBC driver to Ingres Database
> Hi,
> Is there anyone out there that has used the Caribou Lake JDBC driver to
> connect to an Ingres database? 
> Thanks,
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Leo van Geel
> Information Technology Services
> Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
> Web   : 
> Phone : +64-6-350-5149 [work], [Fax} +64-6-350-5607
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

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