I finally made the SSL communication working:

I replaced the "$JAVAHOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts" of  client
system with "keystore" file used on server (I changed his name
to "cacerts"). Quick and dirty.

Issue now is client and orion server hang after first  context

Here's the code - this object should be instanciated on demand
by client system:

Standalone application constructor:

public PaymentProxy() {

                try {

                        //      Create access to the naming context.
                        Context context = new InitialContext();

                        //      setup debugging level
                        logging = 


                } catch(NamingException e) { log( e );

After leaving, orion hang completely (no more communication,
no http, no console access).

I have no problem if I swith "jndi.properties" to http.

My system: jdk 1.2.2, red hat 6.2, orion 1.2.4

Bernard Sauterel
>>>>> >Hi,
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Thanks for the work. I'm in trouble connecting thru SSL:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >output from my client application:
>>>>> >----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >initializing context ...
>>>>> >
>>>>> >sauterel.shared.ldap.ProxyClient@2f70f477 - Communication error: Error
>>>>> >reading application-client descriptor: Error communicating with
>>>>> >server: Lookup error: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: untrusted server cert
>>>>> >chain; nested exception is:
>>>>> >        javax.net.ssl.SSLException: untrusted server cert chain; nested
>>>>> >exception is:
>>>>> >        javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
>>>>> >javax.net.ssl.SSLException: untrusted server cert chain; nested
>>>>> >is:
>>>>> >        javax.net.ssl.SSLException: untrusted server cert chain
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >jndi.properties:
>>>>> >----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >java.naming.factory.initial=com.everm
>>>>> >ind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory
>>>>> >java.naming.provider.url=https:ormi://www.sauterel.net/ldap
>>>>> >java.naming.security.principal=admin
>>>>> >java.naming.security.credentials=123
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >The application work perfectly using http:ormi:... . Web site is
>>>>> >secured using a test cert (do I have to use an "official" cert?)
>>>>> >generated as described in your "SSL how to".
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Looking forward,
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Bernard Sauterel

| Bernard Sauterel | sauterel.net               |
             email | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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