How do I get my Session Bean to issue an RMI call successfully?

I am trying to contact a simple RMI method that runs on an RMI server
(rmiregistry) from code in my Session Bean. Up to now without success.

1. With the naive approach

        System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
        RemoteObject remo = (RemoteObject) Naming.lookup(toLookup);

I get a  (

To overcome this, I have changed
- {java.home}/lib/security/java.policy 
- and I have tried it the with the command line arguments 
  when I start orion.jar.

This policy file contained just

grant {
        // Allow everything for now
        permission com.evermind.server.AdministrationPermission;
        permission "*:1024-65535",

However, this didn't change Orions behaviour.

The approach with 
        // create and fill a Hashtable "environment", then call         
        InitialContext context = new InitialContext (environment);
didn't work either.

2. Suspecting that the Orion server interferes with the normal policy
concept, I tried to change the rmi.xml file.

The mere adding of a line like

<server host="localhost" username="admin" password="admin" />

to rmi.xml leads to the server not starting up. It does not say "Orion
1.0.3 initialized" and it does not react (in the case rmiregistry runs;
if not an Exception is thrown indicating the connection is refused). 

This is clearly a bug: If the server can't cope with a situation it
should at least leave a message and not just be stuck silently. This is
true if you start Orion just as it ships with just the rmi.xml changed.

So the question is: How can I contact an RMI server from within an EJB?

If you don't know that, perhaps you can answer this one: How can I
permit SocketPermission (and other permissions?) to the code in my EJB?

Thanks in advance

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