In your creating a dynamic url you have to use response.encodeURL("url 
in here") yourself,
Orion will auto encode static urls, and it can even auto encode static 
absolute urls as far as i know if you set it right in the descriptors, 
but it does not auto encode dynamic ones, so that is your solution. :)

Alex Chudnovsky.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Werff, M.R. van der" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2000 11:04 pm
Subject: Autoencoding URLs

> Hi,
> I'm trying to support browsers that don't have cookies enabled. The
> autoencoding of Orion works fine in most cases. It automatically 
> appends;jsessionid=EDGKOOGMNHNH to most URLs. It even works on 
> URLs with a
> parameter: password.jsp?oper=modify becomes
> password.jsp?oper=modify;jsessionid=EDGKOOGMNHNH.
> So far so good. It does not work when I'm creating the links from
> information from a session bean:
>    "><%=user.getKaName(ka)%>
> In that case I'm ending up with: management.jsp?id=midip without the
> ;jsessionid=EDGKOOGMNHNH part, and so the user is required to 
> login again
> when accessing this link.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Cheers, Martin.
> Martin van der Werff
> KPN Research, PO Box 15000, 9700 CD Groningen, The Netherlands
> Tel (+31 50 58) 21005, Fax (+31 50) 3122415

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