but i am using the directory way of deployment instead of jar/ ear way of deploying beans as it is easy to refresh stuff during development.

so what i hv is a directory with ejbs and server.xml maps application name to the directory path instead of jar file. In this case any idea where the orion-ejb-jar file should go ( i hv tried putting it in <rootdir> /META-INF and also in <ejbs dir>/META-INF both of them hv no effect during deployment)



  Rick Bos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can put the modified orion-ejb-jar.xml in :


The modified archive will then be deployed next time.

Search the mail archives on www.orionserver.com for more detailed

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Krishnan Raghunathan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: September 7, 2000 1:40 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: Mapping CMP Entity bean fields to an existing database
> table
> is there another way of specifying tablenames and finder methods query,
> other than putting it in the orion-ejb-jar.xml. As i understand now it
> should be kept in application-deployments\ directory and
> gets modified by the server every time it deploys the bean.
> It would be better to have it in the application source-met! ainf directory
> and have orion pick it up from there. Is there any way out?
> Dave Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Modify the orion-ejb-jar.xml file:
> find the entity bean in question and change the table attribute for
> the bean.
> e.g.
> Vincent Serpico wrote:
> "Tilchen, Matt" wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have deployed a few CMP entity beans
> to orion and have noticed how it autocreates tables by default. I
> understand that you can turn this feature off, but I would actually like
> to specify fields in tables that already exist in my database for Orion to
> use for container managed persistence. Can you do this in orion? Any
> suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for ! your time...
> -Matt Tilchen
> Supposedly you can do this in the orion-ejb-jar.xml file.
> I've only been able to map my class variables to my field names there.
> To specify the table name, I set the in the dd to
> the table name.
> -Vince
> --
> Dave Smith
> Software Development Manager
> e-Net Software Limited
> Bath
> United Kingdom
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> adr:;;26-45 Cheltenham Street;Bath;;BA2 3EX;United Kingdom
> version:2.1
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> title:Software Development Manager
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> _____
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