Its been a couple of weeks since there was any activity on this thread.
I am now ready to get my beta site ready for deployment and need to get 128-bit SSL working with Orion.  Is this possible?
Paul Knepper

Re: Help - SSL Usage in Production - is it really possbile?

  • From: Karl Avedal
  • Subject: Re: Help - SSL Usage in Production - is it really possbile?
  • Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 10:47:01 -0700

Hello Mike,

We're currently making sure that Thawte will have an Orion option for the purchase
to make it easier to get a cert (and we'll work with Verisign too).

We are also creating a guide to show how you can get a 128 bit or 40 bit production

Karl Avedal

Mike Clark wrote:

> Unfortunately, that cert is no longer available from Thawte.  We're still out of
> business with Orion using a production SSL certificate.
> What gives?
> Mike
> Mattias Arbin wrote:
> > I have Orion running with a "real" 40-bit cert from Thawte.
> > I guess it does not matter which web-server you say you have. Probably it is
> > for statistics. (I chose Java Webserver).
> > You will be able to choose from a number of different formats when you
> > download the cert.
> > Here I chose "PKCS #7 Certificate Chain". Make sure that you save it in a
> > file that ends with a new line before importing it to the keystore.
> > Good luck.
> > /Mattias
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Mike Fontenot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 10:50 PM
> > Subject: Help - SSL Usage in Production - is it really possbile?
> >
> > > orion users,
> > >
> > > I've been using the test certificate from Thawte, as both the orion docs.
> > > and the OrionSupport suggested. That has been working fine. However, I am
> > > now ready to move to production with our e-commerce system and I have run
> > > into some major snags that leads me to think NO one is using Orion in a
> > > production SSL environment.
> > >
> > > After going through the Thawte process for getting a server cert, the
> > 'pick
> > > your web server' does not list Orion. After talking with Thawte support
> > they
> > > suggested picking 'Apache SSL' as a choice. Ok, that seems fine to me.
> > > However, they also said I would need to pick the certificate type: x509v3.
> > >
> > > Since I've been using the 'SSL Chained CA Cert' for development, I wanted
> > to
> > > try this out with a development cert to be sure it would work. I tried
> > this
> > > using a X509v3 development cert but it will not work. Again, after getting
> > > back in touch with Thawte support regarding X509v3 not working, I said I
> > > will need to just use the 'SSL Chained CA Cert'.  They then informed me
> > that
> > > they no longer sell this type of certificate, and that I must go to
> > Verisign
> > > to obtain this type of certificate. Well, my first question to Thawte was
> > > 'If you dont sell this type of certificate, why is it available on your
> > > developers cert pages?' Answer from Thawte: 'Yeah, I've been meaning to
> > talk
> > > to our developers to take that off the website.'.
> > >
> > > Guess how much hair I've lost so far!?  Now I am in the 'process' of
> > getting
> > > a certificate from Verisign. Of course they do not have 'Orion Server'
> > > listed in their pick list of valid webservers. Since I just started this
> > > process today I really dont know if they can/cannot support the type of
> > SSL
> > > certificate I will need to work with Orion.
> > >
> > > I'll be the first to admit I'm not real familiar with the Java 1.3
> > keytool,
> > > and different certificate meanings. But, if anyone has really obtained a
> > > valid production level SSL certificate, from any Certificate Authority,
> > and
> > > successfully integrated this with Orion, please let me/us know how this
> > was
> > > accomplished. The only docs I've see are related to development certs, and
> > > as I stated earlier, I've got this working fine. I now need to graduate to
> > > real e-commerce transactions. Please dont make me go back to Apache/JRun,
> > I
> > > feel Orion is so much better but this is a real show-stopper. I have
> > looked
> > > through the orion mail archives and it seems all discussions are related
> > to
> > > trying to get the developer certs to work, not production certs.
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > > Mike
> > >
> > > ========================================
> > > Mike Fontenot - Object Systems Architect
> > > BrandMatrix, Ltd.
> > > Golden, Colorado
> > > ========================================
> > >
> --
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> //
> //  Mike Clark
> //
> //  Clarkware Consulting
> //  Enterprise Java Architecture, Design, Development
> //
> //  http://www.clarkware.com
> //  +1.720.851.2014
> //

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