yes, sadly the clustering howto has gotten delayed. The schedule is still to
have it up by the end of this day though. Meanwhile I'll post some short
instructions to get the basics going;
1. Get the latest jar (for loadbalancer) from
http://www.orionserver.com/orion/orion.jar or with autoupdate.
2. Go thru the http-clustering-howto and follow it's steps.
3. Add cluster-island="1" to the web-site.xml file (in the <web-site ... >
4. Add <frontend host="balancer.host.name.com" port="balancerport" /> inside
the <web-site> tag. This will make sure that URL rewrites and redirects etc
are handled correctly.
5. Make sure you're not on a dialup since this will reroute your multicast
6. Start the balancer: java -jar loadbalancer.jar, alternatively you can
add -port if port 80 is occupied on that box.
7. Start the backend servers, they'll show up (should if everything is ok)
in the balancer process's console.
8. Done, try accessing the balancer's ip:port.

Note; these are just temp notes but should get you going. Good luck!

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

PS. Docs are being focused, no doubt about it, just that a lot of stuff will
appear in "batch updates", redesigning of the info structure etc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dylan Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: Clustering problems.

> Thursday, September 07, 2000, 9:29:42 PM, you wrote:
> > Hi all. I am having some trouble getting clustering working on a fairly
simple setup. I am hoping someone can give me some hints as to what I am
doing wrong. I have two machines each running Orion
> > 1.2.9 with JDK 1.3.0RC on Solaris. One is Intel and the other is Sparc.
Both of these machines have two ethernet interfaces, one for the public
Internet and one for the private network (which is
> [Clustering Woes Snipped]
> > Also, do I really need to add <cluster-config /> to my orion-web.xml
files? Isn't there a place I can say "make all apps clusterable by default"?
I currently have about 20 apps installed and this
> > makes it kinda annoying :)
> > Anyway, thanks for the help. I have been beating my head against this
for a few days.
> I know exactly where you are coming from. Myself and a few others are
exactly at
> the stage you are right now... the banging head on wall stage... and are
> desperate for some documentation on clustering (and other areas) from
> We've been promised docs a few times... First a document would be out
> then it would take longer but a 'condensed' clustering document would be
out in
> a few days (almost 2 weeks ago now)... now the 'condensed' document is
> forgotten... and the original promised doc is delayed again to include
> load-balancing info... who knows when we will actually see something.
> Lack of documentation is killing my opinion of this company.
> Not complete lack. Just lack.
> And it isn't like it isn't a known problem. Almost every review of Orion I
> seen points out this glaring fact. And this mailing list is seething with
> patiently waiting for something that should be already written.
> How about the whole orion team just STOPS coding for a week... (I don't
> care about 1.2.10!!!)... and fill in the gaps in the documentation. I
think it
> would be a very productive move.
> Yes, I know the "price is right"... but come *ON*... inexpensive means
nothing if
> the features you need are available but undocumented.
> Dylan Parker

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