
Do you have an approximate timeframe for implementation of this feature?



At 12:10 AM 9/9/00 +0200, Karl Avedal wrote:
>Hello Cory,
>RMI-IIOP is scheduled to be implemented for the full EJB 2.0 release but
is not
>Karl Avedal
>Cory Adams wrote:
>> Has anybody implemented RMI-IIOP to interoperate from an EJB to a different
>> system?  If so how is it supported within ORION or does it totally depend
>> upon the JDK's support for RMI-IIOP?
>> Also how to you implement RMI-IIOP usage in an EJB?  Can the container pool
>> those connections.
>> Thanks,
>> Cory

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