I have read some postings about http sessions that timeout too early and I
seem to have the same problem.
I have two web-sites, one with SSL and one without.
The first time one enters the SSL site, the timeout time seems to be about a
minute or less, even if I have set
in my web.xml and
<default-web-app load-on-startup="true" application="knut" name="knut-web"
shared="true" />
in my xxx-web-site.xml

It seems like the premature timeout only occurs after the first time I call
the servlet that creates the session, i.e
HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
session.setAttribute("myBean",new MyBean());

If I call the servlet one more time within one minute, then after that, the
session does not timeout too early.

/Mattias Arbin, C-takt AB

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