Hi everyone...

I have some urgent problem for writing servlets to access remote EJBs,
can anyone pls help me pls??  thanks heaps.

In the init() method of the servlet, I had...

        context = new InitialContext(env);

However, it throws an exception, saying..

        javax.naming.NamingException: META-INF/application-client.xml resource
not found

Do I need to have application-client??  Is the web.xml enough?? if
so..where would I place it at?  I am following/modifying orion-primer's
deployment directory structure.

The beans had been deployed separately before, and I wrote a simple
client, which runs in command line, and it worked fine...but that
client's jar had the file META-INF/application-client.xml..

(I can give u the full source to look at if anyone wants more detail)

Any suggestion much appreciated.

Regards, James

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