At 05:43 15.09.00 , you wrote:

>they restart, doesn't that imply that any current sessions are wiped?

no, if you use persistent sessions properly (i.e. use serializable objects 
or ejb references as session values and configur your persistence-path) 
your sessions will persist across server restarts. the only problem you 
might encounter is when you restart and the classes have changed (either 
internal orion classes or your own classes that implement the session 
objects) you'll get errors when the session state is deserialized. but for 
normal restarts this feature works quite well for us.


>Is there a way around this, or something i just don't know?
>Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      HOMES.COM Developer

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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