Hi, Rick Bos:

Yes!! I have successfully create a web-app by your way, thank you!
thank you!!

How do you stop Orion Server ? Just close the DOS window (in Windows
sys) ? Do you know any another safer and nice way to do this ?

Bubble Chen (2000/9/17 AM 01:17:34)

> Hi Bubble.
> Sorry, my mistake .
> application.xml should contain:
> <application>
>         <display-name>AppSurvey</display-name>
>         <module>
>                 <web>
>                         <web-uri>web</web-uri>
>                         <context-root>/</context-root>
>                 </web>
>         </module>
> </application>
> I must have been missing the <module> tags.

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