Hello Sanjay,
I am unable to find any support request from you (or any mail from you
to the support@ address).
To get support, follow the instructions you got when you bought the
license (mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your customernumber in the
subject). If you have already done so but the mails for some reason
haven't gotten here, can you please try again?
If you do not know your customernumber, you can mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with your information and they will give it to
you. I tried to look it up now, but couldn't find any tw2.com as a
customer, so I guess you used another name for the purchase. Of course,
if you need support and is a paying customer, we are not anal about you
providing your customer number, but it makes it much easier for us when
you provide it (we can sort all your support questions correctly so that
we can immediately know what you are doing when we get a new request.)
Orion-interest is not a support-forum.
Karl Avedal
Sanjay wrote:
> Hello there ,Is there any online Orion support available?We have a
> licensed verison of Orion but still i am unable to get support. thank
> youCheers