Hi i have just deployed a stateless session bean to orion 1.2.9.  My question 
is how do you access the bean from a client?  In the service console i make a 
client app to the bean i want, and in that directory a make a simple client 
that looks up to the bean with this code: 
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

Context initial = new InitialContext(env);
           Object objref = initial.lookup("java:comp/Test2");
           //Object objref = initial.lookup("bean");

           Test2Home home =

           Test2 bean = home.create();

The bean is published as Test2, same as the remote interface, and the home is 

It only compiles if i put the Client and the bean files in the same directory 
in the class path, but when i do that and run the file i don't get any thing 
pack when calling a method on the bean.

The folder d:\orion\test2 hold the bean and within that is the client 
directory.  The bean meta inf has application-client.xml with reference to the 
remote and home interfaces of the bean.  What else do i have to do to get the 
client to work with the bean probally and calling methods??

Thanks alot for your help!
Harley Rana

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