Hi everyone,
I have this problem when I try to get the home interface of the EJB,
using a servlet to access EJBs from another application on the same
server.  When I call the  PortableRemoteObject.narrow(..) method, it
throws the exception:

java.lang.ClassCastException: StampHome_EntityHomeWrapper1

Below is what I have in my code...

        Hashtable env = new Hashtable();



        context = new InitialContext(env);
        Object boundObject = context.lookup("Stamp");
        stamph = (stamp.ejb.StampHome)
PortableRemoteObject.narrow(boundObject, stamp.ejb.StampHome.class);
I tried to print the class name of 'boundObject' out, and it is
stamp.ejb.StampHome (the correct home interface).
I have search through the past posts in this mailing list, and read
that some people said it is a bug in orion...is it true?  or did I do
something silly there?

Any suggestion much appreciated.

Regards, James.

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