I'd also like to know a bit more about how the caching works. As for all those
"unnecessary" database writes - I guess they're there to help ensure data 
integrity in the event of a crash... You can eliminate many of them though -
from the FAQ:

Q: I am using CMP Entity beans and call many methods on it that do not modify 
the state of the bean. How can I help Orion figure out that I am not
changing the state and that it does not need to talk to the database? 

A: Implement the method "public boolean isModified()" in your bean to return a 
boolean flag that you set each time you modify your bean and clear in 
ejbStore(). If isModified() returns false, Orion knows that it doesn't need to 
talk to the database

Weblogic (I think - one of the "big" appservers anyway) does the same sort of 


On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 10:52:34AM -0400, KirkYarina wrote:
> I'm also like to hear the answers - we're also seeing an apparent database 
> write per CMP bean reference.
> At this point our test programs (not our real application...) are clients 
> that access entity beans directly, rather than going through a session bean 
> facade.  We've speculated that the individual database writes somehow 
> result from the direct client accesses, but we're only guessing.  Changing 
> transaction attributes doesn't make any difference, and (for now) we have 
> exclusive-write-access="true" on every table.
> I have to periodically justify CMP vs BMP, not to mention Orion, and it's a 
> problem when I can't explain why caching doesn't seem to be working...
> Come on guys, share some details.  You don't have to delve into proprietary 
> information, but the 5 minute overview would make life a lot easier for 
> those of us who have to justify Orion to our investors - and ourselves - 
> when it comes time to bet our business on it.  We'd appreciate it.
> Kirk Yarina
> At 06:21 AM 9/27/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >Hello everyone,
> >
> >This question has been asked before in this mailing list but there has been
> >no answer yet. I hope that there is some response this time.
> >
> >The questions are:
> >1. Does Orion implement EJB object caching? If yes, I'll appreciate some
> >details on what has been implemented.
> >2. I want to find out specifically about CMP based EJB caching. When are
> >these beans cached and what evicts them from cache? I have implemented some
> >CMP EJBs and I see that anytime I want to access these beans, a database
> >call is made. To clarify, my client starts up and instantiates these beans
> >and then exits. When I restart the client, when it accesses the same beans
> >leads to database calls.
> >3. Some details about session beans caching will also be appreciated. Does
> >Orion allow that some number of session bean instances be pre-created? If
> >yes, how can this be specified?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Deepak
> Kirk Yarina


   Tony Abbott                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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