Next time you start orion start it like this: java -jar orion.jar -install
then choose a password for the admin user, i guess its disabled as it its when you install orion (thats why the -install parameter)..
Hope this helps :)
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Kuno Baeriswyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 28. september 2000 14:59
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: Error creating cart: Error creating EntityBean: User not found: ADMIN

I'm using hypersonic and need to test the ejb demo product.
If I start the product client there appear the following message:

     C:\orion\demo\ejb\product>java -classpath .;../../../orion.jar;../../../ejb.jar;../../jndi.jar ProductClient
     Enter the id (integer) of the product you want to add: 1
     Enter the name for item 1: kuno
     Enter the cost for kuno: 10000
     Error creating cart: Error creating EntityBean: User not found: ADMIN

Why it do not find the user ADMIN. Case senstitif?

Thanks for all



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