Hello Rick,

As we say in the documentation for those modes:

"Also some settings may not ever be useful to you. We want to provide this
information anyway since we believe that they are often useful to finding
problems with j2ee applications and we let you decide whether to try them or

They are totally unsupported and are not guaranteed to give you the info you
would want. However, we will put the most useful modes into log files and make
them "stable", but everything that is in those properties are provided "as is"
and they might not work at all. The info you are looking for is most likely to
be promoted to a jdbc log file at some point.

Karl Avedal

Rick Bos wrote:

>         I do not understand some of the output from the datasource.verbose
> debug mode:
>         It seems to report the pool size incorrectly:
>         Pooled jdbc:caribou:jsqlingres://apsdev:6024/apstrain: Releasing
> connection Pooled COM.cariboulake.sql.JSQLConnection@16ecd30 to pool (Pool
> size: [Ljavax.sql.PooledConnection;@b034a0)
>         Thanks.

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