We spent a lot of time on this too.  OrionSupport.com if it comes back had
a way to do it through JNDI.  

We've ended up doing through having a Cisco Local Director mapping ports 80
and 443 to 8080 and 8081

If you don't have the budget for a local director, you could emulate that
function with a Linux box and IP-Chains, or probably an off the shelf


At 04:38 PM 9/28/00 -0400, Jim Archer wrote:
>Hi All...
>We have been developing under Orion on Windows machines, but the time came 
>last night to start testing on Linux, our intended server platform. We 
>installed 1.3.8 on Debian Linux and quickly discovered that it wants to run 
>as root. We really can't allow this.
>I went through the list archive and saw a discussion about this issue from 
>last April, but didn't see what the resolution was (if any).
>Is there now a way to run Orion on Linux not as root (ideally as user 
>nobody) and, if so, is there any doc on this?

 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

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