Assuming that you can't convince your management otherwise, you can use
apache's mod_proxy (in ProxyPass aka reverse proxy mode).

e.g. in httpd.conf (this can also go in your VirtualHost directive sections)
ProxyPass /myapp
ProxyPassReverse /myapp
ProxyVia On
This will *not* cause Apache to perform caching -only reverse proxying.
You might get finer URL-matching granularity with the ProxyRemote directive
or even Apache's mod_rewrite, but I haven't tried those.

-[ Joshua Goodall ]-----------------------------------------------------
-[ Chief IP Systems Architect ]---------------- at home: ---------------
-[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

-----Original Message-----
From: thomas [  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 1:03 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: apache as web server + orion as app server

dear all,

my company plans to use apache as our web server (port:80)
and orion as the app server (port:8080) (for jsp, servlet, mainly ejb), the
main problem we facing now is configuation.

i.e. how to config apache so that all jsp, servlet, ejb request will forward
to orion???

many many thanks !!!!!


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