At 12:34 09.10.00 , you wrote:
>We have a database VIEW in an Oracle database that
>we like to access from the ejb container. We have
>written an entity bean that mirrors the VIEW in
>orion-ejb-jar.xml and use findByPrimaryKey to access
>a row in the view.
>This works nicely, however Orion uses a little more
>cashing of this entity than we would like, so we
>added exclusive-write-access="false" to the entity bean
>in orion-ejb-jar.xml.
>The result was that the findByPrimaryKey call returns
>null for all keys. Anyone have any experience with this?

there are some issues with exclusive-write-access="false" and the orion 
team is working on them right now. I haven't seen your particular failure 
mode but I would file it in bugzilla and keep away from 
exclusive-write-access="false" for a while and use a validity-timeout 
instead (if your business logic allows that). there's a problem with 
ejbcreate checking against the cached key regardless of validity-timeout, 
that's been fixed in 1.4.0 if that's relevant to you.



>If we use the default for exclusive-write-access and
>instead use a validity-timeout="100" everything works
>fine and the enitity is reloaded. Anyone that knows
>what the default value is for validity-timeout?
>What happens if we use validity-timeout="0"?
>We are using jdk 1.2.2, Orion 1.2.9 on WinNT.

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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