Russ White wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I really need an answer to this question because while I would love to use Orion
> I cannot risk moving my 100+ EJBs over to Orion until I can get this resolved. I
> am at a critical descission point here.
> The IBM DB2 JDBC drivers do not allow SetNull(FLOAT). Instead you have to use
> setObject(null). I know this a bug in the JDBC driver, but there are work
> arounds.
> Here is how I do it with Inprise Application Server (which I am using now).
> I write the follow class which implements JdbcAccesserFactory:
AFIK, there are some drivers on the market for DB2 that are better than
the Standard IBM drivers. I've never tested them, but I've seen a class
4 driver for DB2. You might want to give those a try.

Sven E. van 't Veer                                 
Java Developer                                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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