
> I think what we have is a case of fear, uncertainty and doubt.  My
> experience with EJBs has been so good I'm going back to 
> rewrite some of my
> personal-hobby-related sites into EJBs.  That is how 
> impressed I am with
> EJB.

I think your exactly right. I bought an EJB book and started reading it and
the first couple of chapters have got me a little worried. ;) Actually..I
think once I actually figure out how to develop them, it will be less fear.
I am just looking at what needs to be done and it appears to be a lot of
work. Ideally I really want to learn about EJB, CMP and O/R, but I have no
idea where to being (other than that book i got). Is CMP and O/R a
standard..or vendor specific implementations? Do I need special tools for
CMP and O/R, or do all DBMS with Type IV JDBC 2.0 drivers support it. I am
looking at the Interbase 6 free RDBMS which I have used a while back with
C++Builder and the fact that its free and was pretty fast back then
impresses me. Its not for large-scale apps, but it will certainly work for
most tasks. But to actually get started, that seems to be taking the most
time. There isn't much docs on Orion on how to get EJB's working, CMP, O/R,
etc. I don't even fully understand those items yet, and am not sure if I
need tools to do that, or can I manually edit them, and so on.

Anyways..thanks for the reply. 

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