Hi Krishnan,

Is that REALLY your code?  If so, the problem is probably that you declare the
variable on the left to be a CategoryHome, but the right hand side is a

The fact that Orion returns a CategoryManagerHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper3
rather than a CategoryManagerHome is expected; after all, the home is an
interface, not a class, and so cannot be instantiated.


At 11:14 AM 10/9/00 -0700, you wrote: 
> Hi,
> I am casting the narrowed object properly my code is 
> CategoryHome catHome =
>     (CategoryManagerHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
> ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/CategoryManager");, CategoryManagerHome.class);
> but this throws up a wrong ( maybe intermediate class)
> .(CategoryManagerHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper3).
> I am using Resin as the servlet/ web server now and it works fine ( as resin
> acts like any other java client would do).
> I would rather use orion for the full setup if i can get over with this
> problem.
> Thanks
> Krishnan

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