There is a java class somewhere on the net (saw a reference in the XSLT FAQ 
I think)
which converts XML to pretty printed (and colored) HTML

At 15:52 16.10.00 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all...  I am trying to display the contents of an XML file to the 
>screen, embedded inside a JSP page.  That is, I want to include a header 
>and footer on the page (for navigation purposes), with the XML in the 
>middle.  I want the text to be viewable literally (tags & all), but I have 
>been unable to find a solution...
>I thought maybe the contentType attribute of the <%@ page %> directive 
>might do it, but it seems not.
>Does anyone know of a way to do this?
>Derek Akers
>Internet Application Developer
>Eldan Software, Toronto
>(416) 341-0070


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