For development of our customers sites, (all are B2B) we use Orion. I will
expect that more then a few of our customers will take our end
recommendation and use Orion as their distribution application server.
I expect that many more sites are using Orion then those you see there.. I
do know its the development target for our group.

Greg Boswell

At 05:00 PM 10/19/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I only see two sitest there. The second one is to some page that has some
>text on it..thats about it. Are there any full B2B or E-commerce sites using
>Orion yet? I know we will be using it soon.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 4:25 PM
>> To: Orion-Interest
>> Subject: Orion Powered Sites
>> This is the list of Orion Powered Sites
>> http://www.rifleman.com.ar/orionsites.htm
>> (sorry about it being a freeservers account, I'm working on it) 

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