or, as has happened to my company, another entity
purchases orion, essentially to shelve the code and
remove a competitor.  the product i and my team have
worked very hard on for these past months is now
effectively dead.  it would be sad to see the same
happen to orion, but when business people get
involved, they do not care about technical elegance or
excellence -- only money.

--bradley mclain (formerly of usmoving.com)

--- Karl Avedal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Keith,
> Keith Kwiatek wrote:
> > Probably not... but you know sooner or later
> someone is going to buy
> > Orion... and the product price will NOT remain
> anywhere near $1500 OR be
> > "free" to non-commercial projects !!
> >
> Well, I wouldn't count on this happening...
> >
> > I like Orion, but for projects on a budget, I
> think it is safer and less
> > costly to maybe go with http://www.ejboss.org/ or
> > http://www.evidian.com/jonas/index.htm. These are
> dedicated "open source"
> > ejb servers....  aaaahh if only Orion would open
> source.....
> >
> > Admittedly, I don't know how the above ejb servers
> compare to orion..... I
> > know they don't have servlets/jsp... but then
> there is the open source free
> > resin...
> >
> Just have to point out that Resin is not free for
> commercial use.
> And if Orion is a take-over target, Resin is
> probably more so. Since Resin
> isn't a full J2EE server but is used for
> JSP/Servlets it's more likely to fit
> into someone's product portfolio (many EJB servers
> lack a decent web
> container), rather than Orion that would be a
> competitor to any existing server
> offering they have.
> Regards,
> Karl Avedal

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