I have some questions regarding these Orion-specific deployment descriptors 
that I can't seem to find much information on. It would be great if someone 
can give me some pointers.

In doing CMP entity beans, somewhere one must bind the bean to a data source. 
Apparently this is in orion-ejb-jar.xml and orion-application.xml. Where do 
these files go? Do they sit along-side the standard descriptors in the JAR 
files (e.g. orion-ejb-jar.xml and ejb-jar.xml go together in the abc-ejb.jar 
file) ? If not, where? How can they be maintained as part of the source code?

How do I tell Orion that I am using PostgreSQL as my database for entity 
beans? data-sources.xml doesn't seem to "ell Orion what type of database a 
data source is.

How do I access the user authentication mechanism? There are "security 
adapters" in the J2EE reference implementation. The Orion API has a bunch of 
*Manager and *UserManager classes, but the documentation is very vague. Are 
these it? How do I use them?

Lastly ... are there examples for any of these? An example is sometimes worth 
a thousand words.

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