Boris, I have
successfully got netbeans to set a break point and stop a running ejb in
progress under orion, and then go on to single step and show variable contents. It working
by using something called JPDA. You will
need JPDA installed and netbeans will need to be started with access to the
JPDA .dll’s (or shared libraries if you are not on NT). Netbeans will
also require access to the JPDA jar (or jars?). Start Orion
with: java -Xdebug runjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5000 com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer orion will also need access to the JPDA .jar’s and
.dll’s orion will hang up waiting for a JPDA connection. get
netbeans to do a remote connection, specifying port 5000 Orion then
resumes. Get netbeans
to point to your source and set a
break point. Get the
client program (servlet, or whatever) to invoke the ejb. Orion will
again stop and allow netbeans to step line by line in the debugger. Regards, Rob Lapensee Director of Technology Delfour Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----Original
Message----- I read
documentation on debugging using NetBeans but still can't figure out how to
apply all that to EJBs. As far
as I understand, Orion doesn't run my bean classes but run generated containers
which are compiled and
sources are not kept anywhere(or may be there is a switch for that. development
switch applies only to JSPs). They of
course could be decompiled but I don't think that's what we are supposed to do.
Can somebody share with fellow
developers information on how they debug their EJBs on Orion? Boris P.S. I
know that System.out.println(); is a great debugging tool but there is
probably a better way. |
- Debugging of beans Boris Gertsberg
- Rob Lapensee