I have a question regarding transaction propagation. I took the orion
primer example and modified it so that the servlet calls Hello and then
the Hello Bean calls A HashCoder bean. Both Hello and HashCoder beans
are stateless session beans and perform SQL. The Hello does a delete
and the HashCoder an incorrect select (causing a SQLException). I was
expection these two operations to happen in the same transaction, so
that the SQLException would cause the delete to automatically rollback
since for both these beans I specified Container managed transaction.
But it did actually delete the row. So it seems they two methods were
running in different transactions.

The only thing I did not do is to specify the tranaction attribute to
the bean's methods to be Required or anything else. I don't know what
it defaults to in orion.

I am using DB2 v. 6.1 as the Database, the in both beans I acquire the
connection through JNDI DataSource. I configured the data-sources.xml
for DB2 as follows:

I am attaching the zip file containing the modified orion primer
example, that can be built simply by tying ant.

I would like to know how to get something like this where multiple
session beans participate in a single transaction such that if any one
throws an SQLException the transaction is rolled back by the container.

Thanks in advance.

Aziz Sharif

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