At 17:54 05.11.00 , you wrote:
>Does anyone know if local/remote method calls from EJB to EJB are optimized
>on Orion. For example if Entity Bean A calls Entity Bean B and they are both
>located in the same app server (e.g. now a local call) then does orion
>optimize this call. What I mean is does orion know that the call is local
>and so does not go through all the remote call overheads.

yes, orion optimizes these calls.

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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