Title: RE: load-on-startup doesn't work


Problems might be:
        - init does not take an instance of ServletContext, it takes ServletConfig, but maybee you misstyped in the mail.

        - The servlet won't load if it has compiletime errors or throws an exception in init (I think).

-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksi Kallio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 6 november 2000 11:25
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: load-on-startup doesn't work

I have a servlet that starts up my application when Orion (1.0.3 - yes, a very old one) is started. The problem is that nothing happens - init(ServletContext) doesn't get called. I have this in global-web-application.xml:


What could be the problem? Any suggestions how to debug this? I don't have any clues...

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