
Something else I just noticed...

Java code (scriptlets) within HTML comments is ignored... while JSP Expressions
are evaluated... does this not make sense? Or is it just me?

Here is a simple example :
<% int val = 1; %>
The value is: <%=val%>

   The value is: <%=val%>
   <% val = 5; %>
The value is: <%=val%>

You would think that within the HTML comment you would see that the value is 1..
and you DO =)... but you would also think that the val would then be changed to
5... but it doesn't.. it still equals 1 when we print it out at the end.

Here is the Output HTML
The value is: 1

   The value is: 1
   <% val = 5; %>
The value is: 1

The java scriptlet has not been evaluated.. this works with other app servers..
an Orion bug or feature?

To me Java code should only be ignored it is within JAVA COMMENTS... not HTML

I run  into this all the time because I have comments around my JavaScript
code... and the JavaScript code I am generating is fairly dynamic.

Dylan Parker

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