We've had this problem so long ago I didn't even remeber about it
Here our collection:

package net.amtec.util;

//import java.util.*;

public class Collection extends java.util.Vector implements

we use net.amtec.util.Collection whenever a serializable Collection/Vector
is needed

My 2c,

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Munro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Viernes, 10 de Noviembre de 2000 10:56
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: 1.4.4 OR Collection classes


This looks in same ways similar to the problem that I reported a couple of
days ago.

That is, Orion 1.3.8 allowed non-serializable objects to be returned to
the client if running in the same JVM (which should of course not be

1.4.3 on the other hand behaves differently - rather than throwing a
java.io.NonSerializableException (?) or something like that (which I
suppose would be correct behavour although I haven't looked in the spec),
it just returns a null and says nothing.

Perhaps you are experiencing this kind of problem?

Unfortunately it is not always clear whether an object referred to by its
interface type is serializable.  I am in the middle of fixing a load of
beans that returned Iterators, which worked fine on Orion 1.3.8.  Of
course Iterator is an interface, and I discovered when I upgrade to Orion
1.4.3 that the objects that backed the Iterator objects returned by JDK
1.1's Vector and JDK 1.2's ArrayList (etc.) were *not* serializable.

I found it useful to use an ObjectOutputStream to write the returned
object out to System.out, wrapped in a try-catch block that printed the
stack trace.  The resulting exception messages told me what the offending
classes were (for example java.util.AbstractList$Itr, and also
RuleBasedComparator which I had been using to sort sets).

Maybe this is totally unrelated but the symptoms seem similar enough so I
though I'd mention it.  Good luck ;)

Thomas Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 GI Technology (Paris)

On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Vidur Dhanda wrote:

> Hello,
> Earlier today I had reported a problem with the Map class.  There is
> also a problem with the List class.  When the CMP entity is retrieved
> and the CMP List field is empty, it is returned to the client as null.
> Both the Map and the List work fine under 1.3.8.
> Vidur

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