I decided to try out orion on one of our hevily loaded servers that is
taking deep punishment ( average load is about 11, max load was 114, is that
healthy ? :).
I figured that if it makes a improvement, i'll buy it.
The site i am "porting" runs on ServletExec.
After setting the site up it choked on me.
It couldn't find property files.
Where ever i put them the package can't find it.
I've tried it all: in hardcoded classpath, in WEB-INF/classes.

Damn these properties!
Where should i put properties?
It's a closed source .jar package that wants a property file.
It throws a Exception because it can't find file X.
Can i in any way trace what files orion tries to open, or what that class
tries to open?
Can i preload/hardcode a properties file or something?


uname -a: Linux 2.2.17 #4 SMP Thu Nov 9 07:21:07 CET 2000 i686

java -version:
java version "1.2.2"
Classic VM (build Linux_JDK_1.2.2_FCS, green threads, javacomp)

Orion 1.3.8

Any help = beer

Magnus Naeslund

 Programmer/Networker [|] Magnus Naeslund
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