Title: JNDI to EJB

I can connect to the DataSource using the JNDI. But, I am having a problem with connecting to the EJB. It works fine with WebLogic, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it work..

Here is the steps that I performed. Please, someone point me to the direction as to where I can get a documentation and etc.

I have BMP entity bean that uses the datasource from the resource-ref.

I've compiled and jar it the ejb-jar.xml in the META-INF. Then, I jar it up with the application.xml and create the ear file. I also modified the server.xml and etc as noted in the orion primer sample. When orion server starts, it picks up the ejb and deploys it w/o any problem. The troubles comes when I tried to connect it from jsp. I didn't jar this jsp. Rather, I just put it under the default application directory. I can run this jsp, but I get an exception when it looks for ejb. Do I need to create war file along with ejb and deploy together? Or do I have to put this ejb in the different path? I also notice that there is no jndi.properties in the ejb deployed directory. Do I have to create one? I did a bit of research on it, and found out that it has orion-ejb-jar.xml within the ejb deployed directory and location represents the actual JNDI name. I tried connection through this jndi name, but I wasn't successful.  Can someone give a hand???

Se Hee

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