At 11:06 AM 11/15/2000 -0600, you wrote:
no, you have to get the terminology right, so people understand what you're 
trying to do ;-). you DON'T want to set up 3 websites in j2ee/orion 
terminology but have one website witth three web applications. your website 
is http://myserver. you got answers to set up different websites by the 
people who thought you wanted to do that because you said so and you got 
answers to set up one website with three web applications because that's 
what you described as in this email and the ones before.

>web site == one address like http://myserver (which will have a default 
>web application mounted at "/")
>web application == twsm which you want to mount to the website 
>http://myserver  under "/twsm" which results in http://myserver/twsm
>hope this clears up the confusion and of course it's all your fault ;-).

Allright, so I'm a dolt. :-)  You are, of course, correct.  Terminology is 
such a hard thing to master.....  ANYHOO, the above methods are what I'm 
trying to accomplish. I'm sorry for the confusion, and I will promise to 
assume all blame for any flamage which may occur as a result.

So, now that Robert has so elegantly spoken for me, what sort of solutions 
do y'all have to offer the poor, clueless orion dev-head?

Andrew Kidder
L3 SW/Support Engineer, IBU
Tivoli Systems


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