I filed this in bugzilla, bug id is 201.

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Gerald Gutierrez wrote:

> I tried the option once, and it gave me errors about ejb-jar.xml (or some 
> other XML) files at a certain line number, and that line number doesn't 
> even exist. I then tried a freshly unzipped version of Orion, followed the 
> instructions exactly to deploy the News application, and ran java -jar 
> orion.jar -validateXML and got the exact same error.
> Most likely a bug.
> At 12:22 PM 11/21/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> >I'm trying to ensure that my EJB 2.0 ejb-jar.xml files validate according
> >to the appropriate dtd, so I tried to run orion with the -validateXML
> >option. However, this gets as far as server.xml before spiting out the
> >following error:
> >
> >Error initializing server: Fatal error at line 59 in
> >file:/home/hani/orion/config/server.xml: Next character must be
> >";" terminating reference to parameter entity "true".
> >
> >I assumed it's my fault, but when I tried a 'clean' server.xml (from
> >http://www.orionserver.com/orion/config/server.xml) I get the same
> >error. Any ideas anyone?
> >
> >Hani

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