> Incidentally, the location of jndi.properties, and how it works, is
> by Java (I think starting with JDK 1.2, but it could have been 1.3). If
> there exists a jndi.properties in your classpath, it will get read. So
> behaviour is entirely independent of J2EE.

this might also have to do with classloader problems that sometimes occur
when properties (and other resources) are loaded from within jar files. I
have seen cases where I could load the classes, but the classes werent able
to load their properties (JavaMail provider is an example). The only way to
resolve this was to either put the jar in the invocation classpath (java -cp
<all jars> <orion-startup-class>), to modify orion.jar's manifest, or to
copy files into JRE/lib/ext

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