I have developed some classes that work with JCE1.2.1, and I have tested
from command line and they work.
I have configured java.security to specify which is the Security
Provider I am going to use. The problem come when I try to use this
classes from my web-application.

I have specified copied on the /lib folder the jar that contains all the
classes from the security provider I am using.

On my web-app I show all the registered security providers but I don't
get the Security Provider installed, I only get the two that come with
j2se 1.3 and the JSSE one:
They are:
SUN version 1.2
SunRsaSign version 1.0
SunJSSE version 1.02

If I make the same from command line to test the security provider I get
(I have not JSSE configured on this test):
SUN version 1.2
ABA version 1.1
SunRsaSign version 1.0

What should I do to use JCE from a web-app on OrionServer?

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