Title: RE: -- Arved -- Can you please help me with servlet authentication?

Hi guys,

Being relatively new to J2EE I have a question concerning ejb-ref and resource-ref tags used in the configuration XMLs (ejb-jar.xml)

Is it quite normal and J2EE standard that every EJB/Servlet/etc that wants to call the same EJB needs to have its own (and SAME) <ejb-ref> tag in ejb-jar.xml/web.xml/etc? <ejb-ref> defines the location in JNDI that is used when the clients 'lookup' the EJB Home.

Could a commonly used EJB/resource component be published in JNDI globally? Or do I have to repeat the SAME <ejb-ref>s couple of times in the XMLs?

If this is true then it makes deployment and configuration quite complex, redundant and subject to hard maintenance.

Please let me know if we have alternatives to the above case.





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