Suresh Ajja said...

 >  Now recently i installed Jbuilder 4.0, which took jdk1.3 as default jdk
 > built in it.from command prompt, I was not able to run my programs,
 > hence I installed jdk1.2 after that, but now I am not able to run my Inprise
 > server (jdk1.2.2 or later ver. not found error) .can somebody tell me How
 > can i configure only one ver. of jdk to run my IAS as well from Command pr.

In the jbuilder "bin" directory, there is a file called "jdk.config".

It's self-explanatory-- you can set the path to your JDK in there. Just set
it to the one you use from your command line.

However, I can't comment on the JDK requirements for IAS.

David S. Kenzik
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