Hi folks

I am quite new to this list, so maybe my question is toooo simple

I have setup an application "b2b" named "b2b-web" which points to my server
root "/"

Now I would like to make a folder below / password protected. The folder
subfolders) is /admin

Do I have to create a new b2b located web application zone to realize this,
can I put the <login-config> stuff for /admin in my b2b-web related web.xml
file ?
And if so how do I setup it, that it only effects my /admin folder ?

I found some stuff to put into web.xml and principals.xml.
Putting this there makes everything password protected...

thanx for any hints

---- web.xml -----

                         <description>Main security</description>
                         <description>All users</description>

                <description>Role security</description>

--- principals.xm -----
is clear


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