I beleive primary keys must be Serializalble.  Try using an Integer object



-----Original Message-----
From: Hegyi Tibor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 2:47 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: OR mapping with Oracle

Hi guys, 

Coupld you please help with teh below problem? I haven't found any solution

I am using Orion 1.3.8, Oracle 8.1.5.
I want to use a Compound object as a primary key to my CMP Entity Bean.
This PK class has one public member key of int datatype.

The PK class:
public class ProductPK implements java.io.Serializable {
  public int key;       //this should be mapped to a column in the Oracle
bean table
  public ProductPK(int key) {

I edited orion-ejb-jar.xml to map the primary key field (this is necessary I
think, because Oracle maps Serializable objects to blobs that cannot be part
of primary keys):

<cmp-field-mapping name="key">
<cmp-field-mapping name="key" persistence-name="key" />

The error message I always got:

Auto-deploying beantest-ejb.jar (orion-ejb-jar.xml had been updated since
the previous deployment)... ProductRemote_EntityBeanWrapper0.java:781:
Incompatible type for method. Can't convert beantest.ejb.ProductPK to int.
                                        statement.setInt(4, object.key);
ProductHome_EntityHomeWrapper7.java:388: Incompatible type for method. Can't
convert beantest.ejb.ProductPK to int.
                                statement.setInt(4, response.object.key);
2 errors
Error compiling file:/E:/Java/BeanTest/build/beantest/beantest-ejb.jar:
Syntax error in source

I've already looked at OrionSupport and the mailing list archive, but found
no solution ti this problem.

Any idea would be gratefully appreciated!


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