> At 12:11 02.12.00 , Robert wrote:
> >Hi OrionFolk :-)
> >
> >Tonight I downloaded OrionServer 1.3.8 from the stable link off the
> >orionserver.com. There seems to be a bug having to do with
> >InitialContexts that was not there in version 1.0.3.
> looks like a bug. best you file it in bugzilla with your test code.

Done. Thanks.

I'm really, really surprised no one's ran into this before. Everyone
must use a jndi.properties file to set up their InitialContexts, not the
InitialContext constructor that takes a Properties object.
Unfortunately, that scenario doesn't work for me. :-(

So, what's the normal resolution process here? It looks like it's
probably a very simple fix. Will the fix make it into Orion 1.3.9 and
then will 1.3.9 become the new stable version of Orion?

Just wondering what the process is here.


David Sims             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sims Computing, Inc.     www.simscomputing.com

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