> I have 2 Entity Beans using CMP, both very simple and 
> similar to each other.  
> Bean 1:  on creating the bean everything works great and
> the database(MS SQL 7.0) reflects the creation.
> Bean 2:  on creating the bean I revieve the following error:
> com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: 
> Error creating EntityBean: 
> The COMMIT TRANSACTION request has no corresponding 
> BEGIN TRANSACTION. Severity 16, State 1, 
> Procedure 'ORION null', Line 1
> yet the database still reflects the creation.
> I am pretty stumped on this one does anyone have any wisdom
> on how to go about fixing this.
> Stephen Brown
> P.S.  I have Exclusive-Read="false" in my orion-ejb-jar.xml

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