I have started to port a number of beans from WLS to Orion, which is
surprisingly painless... But there is one thing I always have an init method
called in my stateless session bean's constructor and I have a wrapper
exception called ApplicationException that wraps any exception that may
happen in my init method.

    public WatchTaskManagerImpl() throws ApplicationException{

When I deploy this in Orion it throws the compilation exception:

Auto-deploying cal-watch.jar (No previous deployment found)...
WatchTaskManagerHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper1.java:58: Exception
org.backsource.util.ApplicationException must be caught, or it must be
declared in the throws clause of this method.
return new se.dn.pastan.watch.server.WatchTaskManagerImpl();
^return new se.dn.pastan.watch.server.WatchResultManagerImpl();
I have read the ejb1.1 spec and it does not mention that you may not throw
an exception (reservations for missing it made it is 314 pages...).

I don't really want a solution, there are many but is this a bug in Orion or
do I do sloppy EJB programming (god forbid)
Erik Romson

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