>what exactly do you mean by "compile PHP as a servlet"? Isnt PHP written in

It's written in C and comes with different wrappers for executing it, the 
most common being a standalone CGI process or compiled into Apache as a module.

However, there is also a Servlet wrapper, which uses JNI to bind to the 
native code. The advantages of using this over the standalone CGI 
executable are:

- Speed (a new process does not need to be forked for each request, and the 
engine is reused)
- Access to Java objects - PHP can construct objects, access attributes, 
methods and properties.
- Request, Response, Session, RequestDispatcher, etc objects available to 
PHP page
- Runs in same context. Calls to EJBs do not have to be passed over RMI

The downside to running PHP as a Servlet is that it's tricky to install, 
and because it uses JNI it's not protected by the VM.

There will be a howto for setting this up appearing on orionsupport.com 
within the next few days if you're interested.

-Joe Walnes

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