
I hardly remeber which of the flames yours was (the first one, right?). I
posted an apology to the list shortly after that, stating that I agreed with
y'all (thats the way to say it these days, isn't it?) but it never made it.

I did have a slight foreboding of what was going to come when I wrote the
initial post. It was certainly all my fault

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael S. Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 11:46 PM
Subject: An apology for Christian Sell

> Christian,
> I hope you will accept my apologies.  While I still feel strongly that we
> the list should be very tolerant of language issues, on rereading your
> comment I see that I read a great deal into your words that you may not
> intended (it is one of the great difficulties of email communication).
> if I read between the lines correctly, I had no right to respond with such
> vitriolic tone.  My only excuse is that, at the time, I was still quite
> upset about the Supreme Court decision (Bush v. Gore).  I'm afraid that
> politics has greater impact on my mood than I sometimes care to admit. 8-)
> -=michael=-
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