My last mail seems not to show up in the list, so I'll try it again...

I've a little trouble using my own exceptions in beans.

Let's say I have a businessmethod in MySomethingBean:
public void doSomething() throws MyException {...}

I also define the throws clause in the remoteinterface "MySomething".

When I throw MyException in the businessmethod I won't get a "MyException"
in the calling method. Insteat I get a RemoteException containing only the
message of MyException. The detail-field of the RemoteException contains

Can anybody help? I'm using Orion 1.4.4 maybe this is the problem.


Alexander Sparkowsky
LambdaLogic Informationssysteme GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49-30-2936385-0, Fax: +49-30-2936385-0

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